History and properties of
Green Tea



Green Saffron Tea Beverage

Green tea is not a different plant than black tea. Instead, green tea is a fresh petal of tea that reaches the consumer without any oxidation process—the birthplace of green tea in China. Green tea has gained popularity because of its anti-cancer properties, such as Catechin, which is a powerful antioxidant.

Catechin is one of the antioxidants that are much stronger than vitamins E and C and improve people’s health. Besides, the amount of caffeine in green tea is suitable for those who should not consume caffeine and is 2 to 5 per cent lower than black tea. Hence, in addition to China, green tea consumption is also expanding in other countries. Here are the properties of green tea.


Green Saffron Tea Beverage

Drinking green tea is considered to be a preventative factor for cancer.

  • The main reason for the anti-aging of green tea is the presence of significant antioxidants.
  • This herbal demo is effective in reducing weight and boosting metabolism.
  • Green tea prevents cancer, drooping, and wrinkles, especially facial skin.
  • Significantly reduces harmful cholesterol levels and increases proper cholesterol levels.
  • Also removes bad breath and odour breathing by removing inappropriate bacteria in the mouth.
  • The high percentage of green tea fluoride is the main reason for its positive effect on bone.
  • Green tea stimulates the activity of brain cells, especially memory-related parts.
  • Drinking this beverage prevents liver disease, especially liver cancer.
  • Vitamin C in green tea strengthens the immune system against diseases such as colds.
  • This deodorant has a sedative effect and can relieve stress, depression, and stress.